Saturday 2 May 2009

Where Does All The Money Come From?

This is another event announcement, you lucky lucky people.

Do you ever wonder where all this money comes from? Does something irk you about people describing the rich as 'wealth-creators' but you find it difficult to place exactly why? Do you not have the months to set aside to read Capital?

Well, if your copy of The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx disappeared at the time your weird flatmate vanished, The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists now looks tainted by its temporary popularity with the muesli and rocket dinner-party set, and you haven't got the time to follow David Harvey's lectures, why not pop along to Northumbria Uni's Stage 2 this Sunday at 2 p.m. for a 'Socialist Sunday School' with Matt Perry on Marxist economics? Might be interesting, and it's only a quid.

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